停用 Google Chrome 切換使用者按鈕

This week, Google Chrome has been updated to 39.0.2171, which enabled a new feature called 'new profile management', and there is a new button displayed on the top right of the browser. Some may not get used to it, so here's the way to disable it.

Paste the line below and press Enter.


It turns out as the following text:

Enable new profile management system Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android
Enables the new profile management system, including profile lock and the new avatar menu UI. #enable-new-profile-management

Then switch 'Default' to 'Disabled' and restart your browser.


Google Chrome 更新到 39.0.2171 後,右上角出現了一個切換帳號的按鈕,這是新的設定檔管理系統,或許有人會覺得不習慣或者礙眼,以下方法教你停用它:

在Google Chrome網址列貼上這行,按Enter



啟用新的設定檔管理系統 Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android
啟用新的設定檔管理系統,包括設定檔鎖定,以及新的顯示圖片選單使用者介面。 #enable-new-profile-management
