常春藤 Karen 老師語錄 - 8/2


這天的標題是24 Hours in A&E 2,在介紹國家地理頻道的一個真人實境節目急診室24小時 2,節目中用了91支攝影機在King's College Hospital的急診室內24小時全天候拍攝,文中提到這些攝影機是經過策略性擺設為了不要干涉到任何治療,於是Wesley和Karen就開始討論這句so as not to interfere with any treatments了。


so as not to V
so as to not V

Wesley: 這個not按照一般文法教法,是放在to這個不定詞的前面,不定詞的否定通常not是放在to的前面。其實我記的以前我編高中課本的時候也發生過這種現象,就是一個native speaker寫了一篇文章,他的not就放在to的後面。當時我們沒有改,後來送到評審委員會,評審委員就送回來說「根據規定,not一定要放在to的前面」,後來我們決定還是聽評審的,因為怕教學的時候造成學生的混亂。但是事實上呢,真的是這樣子,我後來特別注意這種not的位置,真的發現很多native speaker他們的not會放在後面。

Karen: It has a function. Because "so as not to interfere" is not as strong as; "so as to not interfere" is stronger. In this case if I were writing I would also choose it. I think "not to interfere" is probably more common. That's what I said when I wasn't reading it really carefully, but I prefer the way they did it because it made this stronger.

Wesley: 所以就像我一開始提到的,這個not的位置這樣子放的話,"so as to not interfere"這感覺會比較強,但你如果"so as not to interfere"因為大家都是這樣放,你感覺唸過去就算了,比較沒有強調。所以not的位置按照文法是放在to的前面,可是如果你要強調的話,有時候會出現在後面。考試的時候,我給各位建議你還是把not放在to的前面,因為考試的時候你的考卷是誰讀的不知道,如果讀你考卷的是一個文法家,他絕對堅持not一定要放在to的前面,那你可能就會比較麻煩。

Karen: This is very tiring. If you have somebody telling you things that are not allowed in Chinese you said every day, how would you react? The teaching in America they say you have to follow this rule but you don't say that as usual as you could, but very often you say in another way maybe has a special meaning, but you say "oh, in order to get the good score on the test, you'd better do this way."
It's very tiring because, you know, this happen quite often, and I get question of Karen an Ivy and other sorces saying that sombody insist it has to be this way. It's often happen like in middle school or high shool teachers. And some other teachers will say "you know, I'm not so sure. Let me ask a native speaker" happen recently, and, she ask me. And I said "actually the way that teachers say it is better, but we can also say it this way", and the terchar said "no, you can never do it", and she refused to listened to the evidence from the native speaker. Honestly this gets tiring.
Teachers, nobody knows everything. I'm a native speaker, I make mistakes. Every single native speaker make mistakes, and there're lots of things that we don't know about our own language. It's true if you're in Chinese, just because you're a native speaker of Chinese there're still a lot of things you don't know about Chinese. You have to be aware of that. If you're not a native speaker, of course, it's even more the case that yor don't know everything about the language. In that case, go to a native speaker and ask, and don't be embarrassed if you got it wrong, because what you are doing is teaching your students that the mistakes are shameful, and they're not shameful. Because mistakes are what helps we learn; we don't learn without mistakes. So that's one thing thar we really need to change in Taiwan.

我視賴世雄 我視常春藤
Karen on Ivy League Analytical English

24 Hours in A&E on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Hours_in_A%26E