// Main: Checking timer 0042BF20: // This will full bypass hash check and process scan, and will reduce CPU usage. DB C3
0042C11A: // This will bypass invalid hash check and prevent you from being shut down. DB EB // If the MD5 hash of "ceautoassembler.dll" is not the same to "0F63D4678475267AD5219AF2B868E1B5", this hack will shut down your computer by using the command "shutdown -s -t 1".
// 0042C165 - CALL 0042DE00 // This call scan and check the processes.
0042C16E: // This will bypass process blacklist check and prevent you from being shut down. DB EB // If the process "aahook.exe" exist, this hack will shut down your computer by using the command "shutdown -s -t 1".
// Others: Bypass update check form 0040A4AB: DB 61 91 // This will prevent "Form2" from loading and will show "Form1" immediately without checking version by downloading the document from Google Drive which url is "https://docs.google.com/uc?authuser=0&id=0B1iy-_WZY8BdMlUxWUVrY1BLd2c&export=download".